Because this site is still under construction, our research summary is still in progress. Below are six preliminary charts summarizing both the United States and the international research:
U.S. Summary Chart
Categorizes the states in terms of the legal requirements for the duties of the child’s representative in child protective proceedings, examining how these requirements square with Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
U.S. State by State Chart
Briefly summarizes the legal requirements, state by state.
U.S. Compensation Rate Chart
A preliminary look into compensation rates. We were only able to find information on twelve jurisdictions, although our research was not exhaustive.
U.S. Compensation Scheme Chart
Summarizes the jurisdictions’ compensation schemes for children’s representatives, where available.
Country Category Chart
Categorizes the countries by both mandatory and discretionary legal models.
Country by Country Chart
Provides a brief description of each country’s child protective proceedings, explaining the way that children convey their opinions, where applicable.