

Last edited: January 2006

Summary and Analysis

No provision in Andorran law grants children a right or opportunity to be heard in child protective proceedings, as noted by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

In recent years, this matter has been brought to the attention of the Andorran government in hopes of encouraging a change in the principality’s laws and policies.  In a hearing convened to track Andorra’s progress in compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Committee noted that respect for the views of the child “is not fully applied and duly integrated into the implementation of the policies and programmes of [Andorra].”[2]  In particular, this comment may address the lack of provisions mandating the representation of children’s views in protective proceedings.  In certain other proceedings, including adoption dispositions, judges are required to hear and account for children’s views on the basis of their level of maturity and comprehension before making final decisions.  Given the lack of a similar mandate in protective proceedings, however, there is no present requirement that the voices of children be heard in hearings regarding the removal or reassignment of parental authority.     

Sources of Law (In Order of Authority)

Original Text


Ley de la adopcíon de las demás formas de proteccion del menor desamparado de 27 Septiembre 1995

Article 38:  Peuvent être déchus de l’autorité parentale

…Les parents qui, en raison de mauvais traitements, d’exemple d’un état d’ivresse habituel, de mauvaise conduite notoire, de délinquance, ou en raison de manquements dans la garde, la surveillance et l’éducation de l’enfant, mettent manifestement en danger la sécurité, la santé ou la moralité de celui-ci…

Article 40-   Le batlle ordonne les mesures d’instruction qu’il estime nécessaires et demande en particulier à la direction du service social du gouvernement un rapport psychologique et une enquête sociale sur le ou les parents et sur l’enfant…

Article 42- Toutefois, le batlle peut prononcer dans l’intérêt de l’enfant un retrait partiel de l’autorité parentale limitée à certains droits et attributs tels que spécifiés dans son ordonnance. Le batlle peut également décider de la déchéance de l’autorité parentale limitée à un ou plusieurs enfants d’une même famille…


Law on Adoption and Other Forms of Protection of Abandoned Children of de 27 September 27, 1995

Article 38:  Eligibility for removal of parental authority 

… Parents, who, through ill-treatment, such as habitual drunkenness, manifest ill-conduct, criminality, or failure to care for and educate the child, clearly jeopardize the child’s safety, health or morals…

Article 40-   The judge will order any investigatory measures he believes necessary and particularly request – under the guidance of government social services – a psychological assessment and social study of the parent(s) and child …  

Article 42- However, the judge may pronounce in the interests of the child a partial removal of parental authority limited to certain rights or attributes as specified in his order.  The judge may also decide upon the removal of parental authority as limited to one or multiple children in the same family …

Local Contact Information

 Ms Sílvia Gabarre Iglesias

 Secretària d’Estat de la Família

 Ministeri de Salut i Benestar

 Av. Princep Benlloch, 30 4t

 AD-500 Andorra la Vella




[1] This page is available here, and also as .pdf Document, and also as Word Document.

[2] Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child:  Andorra, ¶ 31, U.N. Doc. CRC/C/15/Add.176 (Feb. 7, 2002).

[3] At present, Andorra does not have any statutes that directly address the representation of children in child protective proceedings.  Andorran child protective procedures in general are governed by The Law on Adoption and Other Forms of Protection of Abandoned Children; relevant portions regarding the removal of parental authority have been excerpted.

[4] Note: All the translations in this entry are done by Patrick Geary, J.D. 2005. They are not official translations and are provided for reference purposes only.

Southern Europe