Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands[1] [print]

Last edited: November 2005

Summary and Analysis

The Marshall Islands ratified Article 12 of the CRC with respect to the child’s right to be heard in child protective proceedings.  Currently, Article 12 has not been implemented in the public policy of the Marshall Islands or the informal system that governs cases where children require representation.

A child welfare system does currently exist in the Marshall Islands despite no statutes that create the system or create the rules of practice.  The Marshall Islands have an informal system.  In general, cases when children require representation are handled by the Attorney General’s office.  While the informal system has few standard practices, one standard practice is that children are not allowed to testify on their own behalf.

Sources of Law (In Order of Authority)

Currently, the Marshall Islands have no statutes regarding the representation of children in the court system.  The informal system is quite flexible for the case given.  For specific questions, Carline Aaron, Program Manager of the Child Rights Program at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will accept your questions as to the shape of current practices and the future of public policy regarding the representation of children in the Marshall Islands.

Local Contact Information

Carline Aaron

Program Manager Child Rights Program

Ministry of Internal Affairs


Box 118

Maauro, Marshall Islands

Additional Resources and Links

Research Path

Various online searches were made yielding no specific information as to the nature of child representation in the Marshall Islands.  Also, legal databases were searched, which yielded some tangential information on adoption.  With the informal nature of child representation in the Marshall Islands, human contacts served as the most illuminating source of information.  While general conditions of child rights may be available online, contacting Carline Aaron or other individuals in her office will probably serve best those wishing to understand the state of child representation in the Marshall Islands.



[1] This page is also available as a .pdf Document, and Word Document.

Marshall Islands